10" Touchscreen Tablet With Support On Head Restraint & Child Headset

10" Touchscreen Tablet With Support On Head Restraint & Child Headset

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Price: £219.01
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10" Touchscreen Tablet With Support On Head Restraint & Child Headset

Part Number: 1673433380

  • Make your passengers' journeys enjoyable. Bad memories of long car journeys will be a thing of the past.
  • This multimedia equipment allows you to watch a film, view photos, listen to music or play games wherever you go while offering exceptional visual comfort.

*Please note additional lead time may apply for this part; this part is not always stocked in the UK based warehouse.
It may have to be specially ordered for you from our main French warehouse and this may take 7-10 working days from when your order is placed.
30.50 (cm)
20.00 (cm)
7.00 (cm)